"Cookie Companion"

For our final project, we were tasked with creating an artificial companion that interacts with users in a unique way. Using previous experience with JSON combined with the new features of speech to text/speech recognition, we were able to create effectively responsive bots. Best Viewed At: https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/present/ciCa4Fsou

Design Process

Once I landed on my concept of creating a fortune cookie companion, my making process began with gathering a large pool of fortunes that appealed to me. I also began creating different programmed responses in a JSON for my cookie companion to use in conversation. Lastly, I created three seperate digital drawings on an application called Procreate that I could use to have my companions appearance correspond with the mood of the conversation. After all of these steps, I brought everything together in p5.js.


My initial concept for my companion was to create a horoscope type fortune teller except instead of using months for inputs it would use colors. However, I ended up deciding on my final concept shortly after which my fortune cookie companion. This cookie companions only wish is to please users with providing them with interesting and insightful fortunes. It is possible to hurt its feelings by rejecting its fortunes but it will never hold a grudge against users.