"Experimental Camera"

This assignment was given to us right around the time that COVID-19 was really beginning to hit NY and the U.S. hard. We were asked to create an experimental camera that captured people living during this hard time in a unique way. Seeing as everyone on this Earth is experiencing this pandemic together, we were also asked how we could create a camera that captured us all equally.

Fullscreen: https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/full/ZTtaoT86y

640x480: https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/present/0bNPPe0Bn

Design Process

The way that I decided to tackle the idea of creating a camera that equally captured all of its' subjects was to focus on a specific facial feature: the eyes. Eyes have been said to be the window into the soul and it seems many of my classmates were interested in capturing solely the eyes as well. Using facial tracking I measured the distance between different points on the face so users could blink their eyes to interact with my code. I also utilized some of the DOM features such as buttons to save pictures and sliders to change colors within the sketch.


As seen below, my initial sketches were extremely vague because I was unsure how exactly I wanted to highlight eyes. At first I imagined cutting and pasting images of the users eyes all over the screen but I decided I should try to figure out a more unique way of conveying my message. I ended up using popping colors and bulging geometry to make a more trippy and mesmorizing eye-viewing experience instead.