"Generative Fiction"

For this project we were asked to creat a randomly generated story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Though this seemed to be a very daunting task at first, the introduction to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) made this project much more achievable than I initially anticipated. Through the use of JSON I was able to create three uniquely different endings and many different variations of body text to reach those endings.

(best viewed at: https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/full/HCRLxMkN)

Design Process

Around the time we were assigned this project I was watching a series on Youtube that explored different tales withing Greek Mythology. I have always been especially drawn to the Greek Mythological explanation for seasons and so I decided to reimagine what would happen to seasons and Earth if the events of the tale played out differently.



I decided to create a Twine project before I began coding to make sure that I had a clear outline of the different scenarios I wished to lay out. The first scenerio results in the seasons changing in a natural way (summer, fall, winter, spring), the second scenerio results in the season reamining winter all year round, and the last scenario results in the season remaining summer all year.