"Text Manipulation"

At the start of this unit, we were shown how to use the textToPoints feature which allowed us to manipulate the individual points that make up text. Each student was then asked to use this feature however we would like to create and interactive typography piece. We were also asked to make very intentional design decisions when chosing animations that best reflected the words we chose.

Design Process

The idea to create three seperate words all beginning with the same letter appealed to me because it created a sense of continuity throughout my pieces right off the bat. I was excited to chose the words "Zip", "Zag", and "Zap" because they are all very graphic and comic book style. I wanted my animations to reflect this so I made sure to choose flashy colors that would make my text pop. As for the animations themselves, I wanted the word "zip" to physically zip across the screen so that users would be chasing the text down with their eyes. For "zag", I aimed to deconstruct and reconstruct a zig zag line into the text word using a choppy animation. Lastly for "zap", I wanted the word to look like it was almost being fired out of a laser gun.


https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/full/VZpJKuYh https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/full/AqWF-PbG https://editor.p5js.org/chloepuff/full/lxttRD0o